Hepcidin, a peptide hormone is the master regulator of systemic iron bioavailability in humans.
Hepcidin concentrations markedly influence iron absorption and can affect the efficacy of iron repletion via supplemrntal or dietary sources.
Hepcidin controls the efflux of iron into plasma by regulating Ferroportin.
In addition controls the placenta, Ferroportin is located on tissues that actively
export iron including intestinal enterocytes, reticuloendothelial macrophages, and hepatocytes.
Hepcidin triggers Ferroportin degradation, reducing iron flux from these tissues thereby decreasing plasma iron concentrations and systemic iron bioavailability.
Absorption of Heme-Iron is independent of hepcidin levels
Heme-iron is superior to conventional iron supplements in terms of bioavailability and can be considered
as a superior option for iron supplementation in pregnancy